7th-8th Grade & 9th-12th Grade
Jr. High & High School Ministry
The Jr. High and High School years can be some of the most fun and the most difficult season in our lives. It can also be some of the most formative in our faith as Jesus goes from a story in a book to a real friend and a real Savior.
Our vision is for every youth to know:
You have a VOICE | 1 Timothy 4:12
You have VALUE | Genesis 1:27
God has VISION for your life | Ephesians 2:10
Youth Wednesday Nights
Join us on Wednesday nights in the youth room at 7:00 PM
join the youth at the well community
Parents of Jr. High or High School students, we want to partner with you to disciple your students together. Sign up today to be a part of our Tuesday News Day emails to stay updated on all things happening at Youth at The Well.