You can help change someone’s life.
it starts with a simple invite.
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Invite to join In-Person
Hey! Want to join me at The Well this Sunday? Here is what to expect… https://www.gotothewell.church/plan-a-visit
Invite to join online
Hey! Want to join me and watch The Well online with me? Check this out https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkbS2bsBjo2k1WddrBUTDjQ
Send a Message
Hey, I thought this last Sunday’s message might encourage you. Here is where you can find all of them including the latest one at the top https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQH17w6DaUzMYmBF2Rza4DdEcuIAZHtCt&si=4KzVjxBggtr2FgEL