Anchored in Christ: How to Stay Firm and Secure in the Storms of Life
This world is filled with storms
Have you ever felt like your life was being tossed around by the waves of uncertainty, change, or hardship? Have you ever wondered how to keep your faith strong and steady amid the storms? If so, you are not alone. Many of us have faced or are facing situations that challenge our trust in God and His promises. We may feel like we are drifting away from Him or losing our hope.
But God has not left us alone in the storm. He has given us a sure and steadfast anchor for our souls: His Son, Jesus Christ. In Hebrews 6:18-19, we read:
God did this so that, by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled to take hold of the hope set before us may be greatly encouraged. We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain,
Hope is an Anchor
What are these two unchangeable things that God gave us? They are His promise and His oath. God made a promise to Abraham and his descendants that He would bless them and make them a great nation. He confirmed this promise with an oath, swearing by Himself, since there is no one greater than Him. This promise and oath were fulfilled in Jesus Christ, who is the ultimate descendant of Abraham and the source of blessing for all nations. Through faith in Jesus, we become part of God's family and inherit His promises.
Why did God give us these two unchangeable things? He did it so that we may have strong encouragement to hold fast to the hope set before us. Hope is a confident expectation of what God has promised and will do. Hope is based on God's character and word, not on our circumstances or feelings. Hope is a gift from God, not something we can manufacture or earn.
How does hope anchor our souls? Hope anchors our souls by connecting us to the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, where Jesus entered as our high priest. The inner sanctuary, or the Most Holy Place, was the place where God's presence dwelt in the Old Testament tabernacle and temple. It was separated from the rest of the sanctuary by a curtain, and only the high priest could enter it once a year with blood to make atonement for the sins of the people. But when Jesus died on the cross, the curtain was torn in two, symbolizing that He opened the way for us to enter God's presence through His blood. Jesus is our high priest, who intercedes for us and gives us access to God's grace and mercy. When we anchor our hope to Jesus, we are anchored to God Himself, who is our refuge and strength.
Anchored in christ
What does it mean to be anchored in Christ? It means to trust in Him and His work for us, not in ourselves or our works. It means to cling to Him and His word, not to the things of this world or the opinions of others. It means to follow Him and His will, not our own desires or plans. It means to love Him and His people, not us or our preferences. It means to live for Him and His glory, not for us or our comfort.
Being anchored in Christ does not mean that we will never face storms or difficulties. It does not mean that we will always feel happy or peaceful. It does not mean that we will have all the answers or solutions. But it does mean that we will have a firm and secure hope that will not disappoint us or fail us. It does mean that we will have a faithful and trustworthy God who will not abandon us or forsake us. It does mean that we will have a glorious and eternal future that will outweigh any present suffering or loss.
The 2024 Word of the Year is Anchored
How can we be anchored in Christ? We can be anchored in Christ by:
Being anchored in Christ does not mean that we will never face storms, But it does mean that we will have a firm and secure hope that will not disappoint us or fail us.
Believing in Him as our Lord and Savior, and receiving His forgiveness and salvation.
Reading and meditating on His word, and applying it to our lives.
Praying and communicating with Him, and listening to His voice.
Worshiping and praising Him, and giving Him thanks for all He has done.
Serving and obeying Him, and using our gifts and talents for His kingdom.
Sharing and testifying of Him, and pointing others to His hope and love.
Being anchored in Christ is not a one-time decision or a passive state. It is a daily choice and an active process. It requires faith, commitment, and perseverance. It involves growth, challenge, and transformation. It produces joy, peace, and fruitfulness.
A Word of Encouragement
Are you anchored in Christ? If not, I invite you to trust in Him today and experience His hope and grace. If you are, I encourage you to stay anchored in Him and grow deeper in your relationship with Him. He is the anchor for your soul, firm and secure. He is the hope set before you, glorious and eternal. He is the one who loves you, unconditionally and unchangeably. He is the one who will never let you go, no matter what. He is the one who will see you through, until the end. He is Jesus, your Lord and your Savior, your High Priest and your King, your Friend and your Brother, your God and your Anchor.