Into the Taboo
Into the Taboo: In the Beginning
Welcome to Into the Taboo, our fall series (2019) where we discuss topics that aren’t normally discussed because, well there’s an elephant in the room.
Into the Taboo: Counter Culture
This week, we discuss what it means to be a Christian in a culture that is seemingly anti-Christian. Are we going to be transformers of culture, or are we going to fight to blend in?
Into the Taboo: Sincere Doubt
We are only human, doubt is inherent even in our walk with Jesus. Often a taboo subject, what does it look like to deal with this doubt and still follow Jesus Christ.
Into the Taboo: Sex
This week its time to talk about that topic that as many Christians we consider taboo. Sex. Join us for a discussion on what the bible has to say about this topic. It may not be what you have heard before.
Into the Taboo: Sexuality
When discussing what sexuality means and what it looks like, you cannot ignore discipleship. The bible has clear cut ways of communicating these topics, we just have to be listening.
Into the Taboo: Abortion & Immigration
We continue our discussion of taboo topics by tackling two of the most prominent political debates that exist today, Abortion and Immigration. This is one that you do not want to miss.
Into the Taboo: Mental Health
Mental health is a topic that even to this day is not discussed enough. We tackle this and so much more with the intent of understanding the importance of living a balanced life where we pay attention to all aspects of our lives.