4 Minutes of prayer + Worship

5 Minutes of Bible Reading

6 Minutes of Every day Action

  • The challenge encourages kids to engage in every day faith. It’s not about following Jesus just on Sundays, it’s about following Jesus anytime, anywhere!

    And what’s a challenge without a little friendly competition? This summer, kids compete to win points for their grade!

  • The 456 Challenge is a competition between 4th, 5th, and 6th graders! Whichever grade has the most points at the end of the challenge wins!

    Note, while the challenge is specifically for 4th-6th graders, anyone is weccome and encouraged to participate.

  • We believe that faith is primarily formed in the home. As parents, you can encourage your kids by reading the Bible with them, playing worship music in the car, and engaging in faith conversations by giving them space to ask their questions about what they’re learning.

    As you start this challenge with your kids, watch how 15 minutes can grow into a life-long daily discipline as you follow Jesus together as a family.

    Family is always our first disciples!

  • Come to the Well to track your points weekly!

    20 points for every day the 4-5-6 minutes is completed/

    10 points for checking in to Kids Life on Sunday

    10 points for bringing your Bible

    10 points for bringing a friend

    50 points if you bring a friend to ROAR or one of our Kids Summer events!

    At the end of the challenge whichever team has the most points win!